LakeStream Studio Blog

  • Fly Tying Tutorial for the MINI Midnight Reaper

    The Mini Midnight Reaper, can be tied in any color to imitate aquatic life such as baitfish, insects, and leeches. A crawfish-colored Mini Reaper with its practically weedless construction, is irresistible to fish, creating commotion and sound waves as it scuttles along the bottom.

  • Tying Tutorial for the Midnight Reaper VERSION 2.0 Night Fishing Fly

    The previous version of this fly was tied using 1/16 oz jig hooks. Although it caught lots of fish, this heavier version was difficult to fish over weed beds and shallow bays because of its fast sink rate. By tying various weights of cone heads to un-weighted jig hooks, we can now swim the Reaper slowly over these aquatic zones without it sinking too fast.

  • Full Moon Circus - September 2024

    Within about 50 yards of the shore, I hooked and landed a nice rainbow in churned-up water that looked about like chocolate milk. This was a testament to the effectiveness of the noise-producing, fish attracting features of the Midnight Reaper fly we were all using.
  • PROJECT FLY Tutorial: The Midnight Reaper - A Night-Fishing Fly

    First of all, most trout fishermen don’t fish in the dark, so this is not the type of fly typically found in fly shop bins or even online. This fly has never seen the light of day on any body of water – not that it can’t be fished during the day, it’s just that I’ve only fished it at night! This fly is big, black, ugly, noisy and looks like an unkempt Woolly Bugger on steroids.
  • Cracking the Code for Monster Stillwater Trout

    ...At this time in June, when the moon is right, the night is for fishing and the day is for sleeping - to re-charge for the next night’s fishing. We rarely see other fishermen on the lake joining us in our nightly addiction. There would be plenty of room out there to never bump into each other – if they only knew what kind of fish they could catch...
  • My Two Hours on Henry's Lake

    Twice a year I take a road trip through Idaho and Montana to check in on my LakeStream Studio art retailers and restock any art that has sold. This...
  • Full Moon June - 2022

    Fly Fishing for Monster Stillwater Trout by the Light of the Moon   I had been looking forward to the 14th of June all year. According to the Ol...